Would You Like Step-By-Step Gut Infection Protocols to Get ‘Un-Stuck’ From The Most Common Root Cause Keeping People Sick?

Hey Jordan Reasoner here… back when I was sick, I was eating a great diet, taking supplements, and meditating every single day…. but I was still exhausted, having digestive pain everyday, and not getting any better.
I was completely “stuck”… it felt like I’d tried everything to get better.
And If you’ve been doing everything you can with your diet, but you’re still struggling with low energy, digestive problems, and inflammation… you know how much it makes your life miserable.
I’m sure you’re frustrated right now…
Because it’s EXTREMELY frustrating to be the type of person that doesn’t get better on diet alone. Especially when so many others ARE getting better and you continue to read success story after success story.
But it doesn’t mean diet and supplements aren’t working… and you’re not doing anything WRONG.
It means you’ve got a limiting factor. The #1 limiting factor for people with gut problems is gut infections. We’ve observed roughly 80% of the people in our community have a GI infection of one type or another, with many having multiple infections.
It’s WAY more common than most people think…
Mine was “Strongyloides stercoralis.“
That’s the parasitic roundworm infection I had years ago. Sounds like fun, right?
Once I treated the infection, everything about my health changed. It’s almost like I’d been driving with one foot on the gas and one foot on the break the whole time, and now my health was going 100 mph toward a beautiful horizon.
The parasite was there the whole time, wreaking havoc on my gut and preventing me from fully healing. I likely picked it up a few years before on a trip to South Padre Island, Texas.
And once we started working with 1-on-1 clients, I knew proper stool testing would be one of the most important steps toward helping our clients get healthy.
This isn’t just about the diet and supplements in your life
If you’re suffering with chronic stomach problems, you could be struggling with a gut infection.
If you’re having any of the following problems, then I would urge you to think about gut infections as a root problem that’s keeping you stuck right now:
Honestly, if you have been eating a strict real food diet for more than 3 months and you’re still battling chronic health symptoms, then an infection could be your core issue.
But the good news is… improving your health could be as simple as discovering what specific infection you have and treating it!
In a perfect world, you’d already be working with a knowledgeable and capable practitioner who would be creating the energy and health you want. But right now the reality is, these people are mostly hard to find and/or too busy.
That’s unacceptable for us.
That’s Why We Created The “3-Hour Gut Infection Program” – to Give You Step-by-Step Protocols to:
Here’s 3 Case Studies of Common Gut Infections in Our Community
Of course, these are anonymous and any and all personal details have been removed for their privacy… but just seeing the results themselves is astonishing.
1) H. pylori: 57-year-old female with severe Ulcerative Proctitis
She was complaining of severe bloating, constipation, nausea, and GERD.
Here are her test results:

H. pylori is a common bacterial infection we saw in our clients. Some practitioners don’t treat it and there’s still debate about whether or not it’s a problem. There’s some interesting new research coming out that suggests it can be helpful in some cases (like if kids get it very young).
All I know is: in general when people with GI problems kill it, they feel a lot better. So if they have symptoms and a positive test result, I think it makes sense for them to work with a skilled practitioner to clear it.
Most often it can suppress stomach acid and cause a cascade of problems like GERD, acid reflux, gastritis, ulcers, and stomach pain. It’s worth noting that there are studies that suggest it doesn’t cause overt symptoms in 85% of those infected. Meaning if you have chronic health issues, you might have H. Pylori and benefit from treating it.
2) Cryptosporidium: 45-year-old male with Celiac Disease
He was complaining of severe diarrhea, stomach pain, malnourished, and depressed. Here are his test results:

Cryptosporidium is a parasite that travels to your small intestine and then burrows into the walls of your intestines, wreaking havoc long-term in those with a compromised immune system. It’s most commonly from drinking un-filtered or un-treated water or from swimming in pools with bad sanitation (some strains of Cryptosporidium are chlorine-resistant).
The first signs and symptoms of cryptosporidium infection usually appear within a week after infection and may include things like watery diarrhea, weight loss, stomach cramps, fever, nausea, and lack of appetite.
3) Blastocystis hominis: 65-year-old female with Crohn’s
She was suffering with diarrhea, strictures, and fatigue. Here are her test results:

Blastocysistis hominis is a microscopic parasite that usually comes with overt GI symptoms like diarrhea, cramping, bloating, gas, fatigue, and sometimes even anal itching.
Most people definitely notice an improvement once this bad bug is gone from their life. Most often it is caused by fecal-oral transmission, from both animals or humans. Many notice GI symptoms finally go away after working with a skilled practitioner to kill it.
You might be “stuck” just like these 3 case studies from our community, but we can help…
This is how we broke the cycle of gut infections and feeling ‘stuck’…
GI infections are a HUGE problem and that finding them is harder than you might expect. Even the most expensive tests on the market are far from perfect when it comes to finding these bugs.
Which means the ability to find them is always evolving as technology improves and the testing companies keep innovating. What we know for sure, though, is that standard stool testing covered under most insurance plans isn’t cutting it.
Bottom line: the big concern for you is that the best practices with gut infections are always changing, including how to get rid of these types of infections. And it’s unlikely that your doctor is keeping up with these changes.
Which is why we want to give you the most up-to-date info regarding…
For less than an average insurance co-pay, you’ll have all the info you need to work side by side with your own medical practitioner to get rid of GI parasites and other infections once and for all.
Think of it like us being your personal tutors. We’re just a year or two ahead of you, we’ve read a few more books, done a lot more testing, and been trained a bit more….
And all that experience can be yours, and it’s an honor for us to pass it on to you.
The 3-hour program includes a step-by-step handout, a fully mp3 audio recording for download, and a PDF transcript… so you can get this information while you’re driving to work or taking a walk in the park.
The “Gut Infections Program” Offer
Normally $59
Now Just $40
Risk-Free and Fully Guaranteed for 30 Days!
If you’re not happy just ask for your money back. We have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can take your time and decide. We don’t want to keep your money if you’re not completely satisfied after listening to this presentation.
Here’s a few insights from the people that attended this type of presentation in the past:
I have followed up the two month protocols for the Blastocystis hominis treatment (described on the SCD Lifestyle GI Infections Handout). I have never felt better in my life, all my guts nasty symptoms went away like magic.
I had been diagnosed with celiac disease 12 years previously but did not do well on a gluten free diet just getting sicker all the time. The chronic diarrhea lasted for 6 months and turned out to be campylobacter and h pylori infections. SCD and your podcasts and emails helped me so much in my recovery from these infections.
I contracted C.Diff in 2012 following taking Cipro for seven days, since then I have struggled to regain my health. I keep getting new infections that set me back, so discouraging… but you two have done more for me as I struggle to get well again. You share information like this just when I need it, you encourage me not to give up, even when I am bedridden. Thank you SO MUCH for all you do. You will never know how much you mean to me.
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If by any chance, you are not able to validate your card please don’t get frustrated. Just email us at support@scdlifestyle.com and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of.
– Jordan and Steve
P.S. – Yes, we are going to share the EXACT steps that worked on us and many others. What you do with this info is up to you. Please remember: we are not Doctors and the information we provide is not, and should not be considered medical advice. It is not meant to diagnose or treat disease, nor does it replace the 1-on-1 relationship with your primary care physician. Always consult a medical professional before taking supplements and work along with them as you work on your health.