How to Use HCL Guard+ For Best Results

VERY IMPORTANT : How to Succeed with HCL Guard+ and What to Do If Things Aren’t Working

Hi, Steven Wright here. As you may remember HCL Guard+ is my solution to my own problems and to the fact that despite 10 years of waiting and wishing…

No other supplement company would create this…

So, just like I did with gut healing diets and functional medicine – it was time to create the best solution in the world for people like me.

HCL Guard+ contains an Advanced BioMicking Stomach Support ™ formula. This powerful trio of ingredients (betaine hydrochloride, pepsin, and intrinsic factor) are absolutely necessary to support healthy complete digestion and absorption of nutrients, including protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin B12, and other minerals.

Then HCL Guard+ contains the powerful herbal duo of deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) and organic ginger root to help heal stomach acid mucus layers, cells, and muscle contractions (peristalsis & migrating motor complex (MMC)).

Together these 5 special ingredients have never before been combined in one simple pill that can be taken at each meal to support the stomach acid, stomach cells, and stomach muscles.

If taken regularly for 6-12 months, some people are able to reduce dosing or stop using HCL+ Guard altogether because of its unique ability to strengthen the stomach.

Others may need to be on it 2-3 years… however the whole time you take it you can be assured you’re helping your body heal as quickly as possible.

Why Would You Need This?

Remember strong stomach acid is critical to health and beauty for 3 important reasons:

  1. Stomach acid is the Master controller of the speed of digestion
  2. Stomach acid is necessary to extract critical nutrients from your food
  3. Stomach acid kills bad gut bugs that want to invade your body (and helps block SIBO)

How Common Is Low Stomach Acid?

No one can say for sure… from the studies that have been done it could be as high as 30%-60% of people.

Doctors in practice report the following:

• Dr. Steven Sanberg-Lewis – a mentor of mine says 75% of those with health issues that he tests have low acid and 25% have high or normal acid. Despite them displaying all the same symptoms.

• Dr. Jonathan Wright – says around 90% of those he tests. The majority of gut specialists I know see a lot of it as well.

At the end of the day, no one knows but if you have any health issues especially brain or gut then you should likely do an HCL challenge test.

How Do I Use HCL Guard+?

When you receive your HCL Guard+ bottle in the mail… here’s how to start taking it.

It’s commonly called an HCL challenge test.

First remember to only take it with meals that include 7g of vegetable protein/animal protein!

Most people will find a personal “ideal” dose for their stomach.

This is defined as the amount that gets you closest to “Perfect Poops”. Or bowel movements that are easier, less pain, closer to a Bristol stool chart #4, and at least once per day.

You should also see less undigested food in stool if that’s an issue for you.

So track your bowel movements and let those be your guide.

HCL Challenge: The best way to figure this out is to:

  1. The first day, start with 1 capsule at each meal with at least 7 grams nutritional protein content (animal or vegetable protein)
  2. Then try 2 capsules the next day with each protein meal
  3. Then try 3 capsules the next day
  4. And keep going 4, 5, or 6 capsules per protein-based meal and find out what dosage is best for you
  5. NOTE: Stop at any point if you feel pain/burning/heat and contact us at
  6. If you take say… 5 capsules and feel a heat/burn/loose stools — then your ideal dosage is 4 per meal. Start that dosage the next meal that contains protein.
  7. TO MAKE THE HEAT SENSATION GO AWAY: All you need to do is use 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a few ounces of water and drink it. It will neutralize anything the extra HCL (can repeat if needed).

NOTE: Most people will be in-between 2-4 per meal

NOTE: you do NOT need to find the “Burning feeling” from the HCL challenge to stop increasing the dosage. ABOUT 30% of people DO NOT FEEL THE BURN. If you fall into this group, you should use your energy and bowel movement qualities as your guide. Do not use more than 8 per meal.

Just an FYI – HCL Guard+ is NOT a replacement for Digestive Enzymes. They work Together, Synergistically like Batman and Robin.

Together HCL Guard+ and a really good digestive enzyme can transform almost any digestive issues.

How Will I Know When It’s Working?

Most people report some of the following effects in as little as a week but sometimes it takes 3 weeks.

  1. Improvement in stool quality.
  2. Improvement in ease of bowel movements
  3. Reduction in pain related to bowel movements
  4. Improvement in the consistency of bowel movements (going every day)
  5. Reduction in bloating and gas
  6. Improvement in energy
  7. Improvement in mood (feeling more stable)
  8. Reduction in burping and feeling heavy after eating
  9. Improvement in GI bug-killing programs
  10. Improvement in hair, skin, and nails after 90 days of usage

It’s common for people to report 2-5 of the above changes after 60 days. You may notice other effects. It really is an individual experience.

What Happens If I Feel a Burning or Heat Sensation?

This is a common experience for anyone who tries any Betaine HCL supplement. Unfortunately, it’s also common if you have low stomach acid, and you don’t use an HCL supplement.

Which makes it very hard to blame anyone. Instead, it’s best to be informed, test, and learn your own body.

Over a month or so you’ll find the right dosage and you’ll understand when you have too much or too little (which often feel the same).

Here’s my 6 Rules of Burning or Heat:

  1. If you ever get concerned just know that it will always pass at some point and your stomach is built to handle massive amounts of acid – it will be okay. You haven’t broken anything but please call or email us if you are concerned.
  2. If you want the hotness or burning gone or want to play with it because you are curious what’s happening try a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a small amount of water. Drink. Wait 5 minutes, and you can keep adding 1/2 teaspoon if needed (most will never need that).
  3. The burning/ heat/ heartburn sensation is SUPER personal, making it really hard for anyone including me to really understand what it’s like for you — so trust your own intuition most. Meaning I can’t tell you if it’s too much HCL or too little. No one can but trial and error.
  4. It often happens because of a few things…
    First… is that you’ve actually reached the upper limit for how much stomach support and HCL you need for that size of protein/volume of food. Often times this type of heat will be actually kind of uncomfortable and you’ll want it to stop. Often located more mid-chest. (if your food journal verifies it was a pretty normal meal – try one more meal at this dosage – same result? then go down a pill)
    Second… is you have had low stomach acid for a long time, and your stomach lining is thinned – you’ll need the DGL/Ginger to strengthen it, and the HCL will slowly be tolerated more. Often this type of pain is duller but can be very intense as well. Typically located more mid-chest. (You’ll likely only know by trying the same dosage & meal-type again – same result – then go down a pill)
    Third… is that you’ve had low stomach acid for a long time and now you’re having some of it… but not enough.. and it’s causing actual heartburn. Often this type of pain is burning higher in the esophagus/throat area. (After you repeat dosage – you may actually need to go up in pills from say 2 to 3 or 3 to 4 and test that – if it gets hotter then neutralize with baking soda right away)
  5. What happens if it comes and goes? This is most often related to the variance in the meal’s protein amount and volume you are eating. Most of us eat more protein/food at dinner for instance and may need a different amount of support than if we just eat a salad and a little chicken breast or something at lunch.
  6. Also, know that too much HCL Guard+ is likely to INCREASE digestion speed and cause loose stools… if you don’t normally have these and you get them – this is an indication that you are taking too much. (if you are normally having loose stools this doesn’t really apply to you – unless it goes to full type 7)

Kind of complicated I know… I wish I could make it easier. If you have any ideas or questions please let me know… still trying to figure out how to best communicate. In the end, it’s highly individualized and can be confusing in the beginning. For more tips, click here.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please contact us any time at for help.